Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mason Jars

My assignment for this week from Anna Belle, my personal writing coach, is to write for 15 minutes a day without stopping, over thinking or correcting.  When my time is up I am allowed to go back and fix punctuation and grammar.  That is it.  Sounds easy enough but it is very much out of my comfort zone.  I don't always like the things that pop in my head right away.  I prefer to analyze them and then change over to something that sounds more appropriate or "perfect".  I am not even allowed to reread my writing while I am doing it.  Oh boy!  I have really plunged into the land of uncertainty!  She suggested that I don't even divide into paragraphs.  It really seems too hard to read but that is my assignment.  I trust her creativity and I am a good student.  So here I am writing again aimlessly!  I am breaking the rules and going to jump down to the next paragraph!  Oh my gosh I am a rebel!  I did not know that about me!

I am going to write today about Mason jars.  I am beginning to take a shine to these jars.  I have always loved anything that you can put in a contained area, put a bow on it and then a lid.  I paid a lot of money in counseling to find out why I am like that!  Neat and tidy.  That is how I like things.  Soooo, Mason jars fit neatly into that mold.  As I began to research I found that people collect these.  They date back to the 1800's!!!  I have just started my research.  There is so much to know about these jars and about the Ball Company.  I am fascinated!  I have always loved the idea of canning but I am freaked out by the prospect of botulism!  The more I know about that the less likely I am to actually can!  My aunt is having me over this summer to learn the process.  I trust she knows how to not kill us!  There are so many wonderful things in the summer to can that I think this fits naturally into my culinary journey.

When I was at Recess they served a dessert in a small canning jar.  It made such an impact on me that I have had my eyes peeled since to see how these jars are being used other places.  The list is endless!  I now see them everywhere I go and people use them for all sorts of reasons.  I love to antique so I am going to now antique with the hope of finding a rare Ball jar.  I found out that they have been made in various colors over the years also.  I have taken some pictures with some of the uses that I will post at another time.  That was not in my assignment for now!  I also want to see if there is a museum of some sort.  Let the fun begin!

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